Your visit to Cologne Cathedral
Your visit to Cologne Cathedral
Opening hours
Current information on the opening of Cologne Cathedral
The following applies to all visitors to the cathedral - whether you are attending a church service, are a tourist or part of a guided group:
- Please be prepared for identity checks by cathedral staff when entering the cathedral, the treasury and the tower ascent.
- Only small bags and rucksacksup to a size of 40x35x15cm (HxWxD) may be taken into the cathedral, the treasury and the tower ascent. Wheeled suitcases, cabin trolleys, hiking rucksacks and other large items of luggage are not permitted in the cathedral and its special areas, nor can they be stored there.
Visitors can store their luggage in the immediate vicinity of the cathedral for the duration of their visit: There is a left-luggage office right next to the Cologne Cathedral Shop.
The luggage storage is located in a container right next to the cathedral shop on Roncalliplatz and is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm (in the pre-Christmas period, the luggage storage is open until 8 p.m., on the Advent weekends until 10 p.m.). Storing a piece of luggage costs 2 euros per hour or part thereof.
We thank you for your understanding of these measures, which contribute to your safety.
Welcome to Cologne Cathedral!
This section contains the rules of admission for Cologne Cathedral, the tower, the Cathedral Treasury, and guided tours.
Please note that we reserve the right to change the rules of admission given below at any time depending on the daily incidence rate in the City of Cologne.
Opening hours: daily from 06:00 - 20:00
The Cologne Cathedral world heritage site is, as a rule, open to tourists on working days (Monday to Saturday) between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and on Sundays between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and the tower narthex after the evening Mass until 8 p.m. Because Masses take priority, we reserve the right to change opening hours. Please consult our up-to-date Mass times page before your visit.
It is generally possible to pray or light a candle in the tower narthex during a liturgy.
Service hours
Masses at Cologne Cathedral are held at the following times:
Working days (Monday to Saturday):
Mass: 6.30 a.m., 7.15 a.m., 8.00 a.m., 9.00 a.m., and 6.30 p.m.
Devotion: Monday to Friday, 6.00 p.m.
Mass: 7.00 a.m., 8.30 a.m., 10.00 a.m., 12 midday, 6.30 p.m.
Divine Office: 5.30 p.m.
Please consult also our up-to-date Mass times page.
You have the opportunity to go to confession on working days. You find the confessionals at the chapels in the ambulatory.
First Sunday of the month: Chapter Mass in Latin
Many Catholics whose native language is not German visit Cologne Cathedral and celebrate Mass with us, especially on Sundays. In order to ensure that they can pray with us and not just silently in their own languages, the High Mass at 10 a.m. on the first Sunday in the month is, as a rule, celebrated partially in Latin. The parts in Latin are the well-known texts that are used in every Mass. This means that all Mass-goers – whatever their native language – can pray together.
You will find the Latin texts and a German translation in the Gotteslob prayer book, Numbers 582 to 591.
Cologne Cathedral tower FAQs
Where is the entrance to the tower?
When is the tower open to the public?
On what days is the tower closed?
When is last admission to the tower?
How much does entry cost?
How much time should I plan in for a visit to the south tower of Cologne Cathedral?
Are there lockers or spaces to park buggies/prams at the entrance?
Do I have to make a booking in advance for myself/my group?
Should I expect long queues/waiting periods at the ticket desk?
Do people accompanying school groups or people accompanying people with special needs pay a reduced rate?
Can I book and pay in advance for my group?
Do holders of the KölnPass pay a reduced rate?
Do holders of the KölnCard pay a reduced rate?
Do members of Church or charity organisations pay a reduced rate?
How old does a child have to be to climb the south tower of Cologne Cathedral?
Is there a lift?
Do the steps leading to the viewing platform pass the cathedral bells?
Is it possible to book a tour of the belfry?
When are children and young people allowed to enter the tower of Cologne Cathedral unaccompanied?
Cathedral Treasury
Visiting the Cathedral Treasury:
The Cathedral Treasury is open to visitors between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. You will find more information here.
Guided tours
Please note the following:
- No more than 20 people are allowed on each guided tour of Cologne Cathedral and the Cathedral Treasury.
- No more than 12 people are allowed on each guided tour of the roof and excavation area. For these tours, visitors must be at least 16 years of age.
Tickets for public tours can be purchased up to seven days in advance in the foyer of the Domforum.
For more information, visit: www.domforum.de/domfuehrungen
Tours of special areas (roof, excavation area, Cathedral Treasury, Cologne Cathedral at Night, etc.) are now open for bookings again (www.domfuehrungen-koeln.de).
General information on tours in Cologne Cathedral
All tours of Cologne Cathedral must be registered in advance. Only authorised or registered cathedral tour guides are permitted to conduct tours inside Cologne Cathedral. In other words, individuals, groups, and travel companies must book a group tour of Cologne Cathedral at the DOMFORUM.
Individual visitors may explore the cathedral by themselves outside Mass times. Tours shall be allocated to available tour slots. A maximum of 10 tours per hour and a maximum of 25 people per group are permitted in the cathedral.
For information about guided tours on the roof, in the excavations, in the treasure chamber as well as to the bells please contact:
The DOMFORUM organizes guided tours of the interior of the cathedral. Please observe the regulations concerning guided tours of groups in Cologne cathedral. Unless otherwise indicated, tours will be conducted in German.
Guided tours in English
Information on the next guided tour:
Adults: € 10,00
Children and Students: € 8,00
Tickets for public guided tours (max. 12) may be purchased in advance at the DOMFORUM at until 15 minutes prior to the preferred tour.
For participants of the open guided tour, the charge for the tour guide system (wireless communication system) is included in the price.
Meeting point: DOMFORUM
For further information or booking please contact:
Monday - Thursday 10:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 15:00
Friday 10:00 - 12:00
Tel: +49 (0) 221 92 58 47 30
Important notices
Dear visitors to Cologne Cathedral,
We are happy to welcome you to the Cathedral St. Peter at Cologne. This cathedral was built to the glory of God and is to this day, above all, a house of prayer and worship. The cathedral protects the precious relics of the Three Kings. By entering the cathedral, you acknowledge the following rules.
Domordnung Italiano • Chinese • Arabic
§1 Conduct
§2 Pictures and video
§3 Luggage and other items
§4 Propaganda
§5 Animals
§6 Cathedral tours
§7 Security personnel and cathedral guards
§8 The cathedral rules are effective as of October 1, 2019.
Provost emeritus Gerd Bachner